House of Representatives, California Reps, Votes on Bailout

They say that credit is so tight now that small businesses can't get small loans to cover basic expenses such as payroll.  As a solution, the Federal government is going to take out a seven hundred billion dollar loan. 

The second bailout bill is the same as the first one, with more pork and tax breaks.

If you follow the links to the first roll call, you will be puzzled by the name of the bill:

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide earnings assistance and tax relief to members of the uniformed services, volunteer firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers, and for other purposes

This bill originated in the house. It was not a bill in itself, but a rather big rider attached to the earnings assistance bill. I wonder how much attention the firefighters received in the debate. The second bill originated in the Senate, and bears the more sensible name "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008."  (The name is sensible, the bill is not).

First vote:  Roll call 674, 9/29/08

Second vote:  Roll call 681, 10/3/08

District Representative R/D Hometown 1st Vote 2nd Vote Phone number Notes
01 Mike Thompson D St. Helena No Yes (202) 225-3311 Was led astray
02 Wally Herger R Marysville Yes Yes (202) 225-3076 Wally Herger lacks in wisdom
03 Daniel E. Lungren R Gold River Yes Yes (202) 225-5716 D. Lungren lacks in wisdom
04 John T. Doolittle R Roseville No No (202) 225-2511 John Doolittle is a hero!
05 Doris O. Matsui D Sacramento Yes Yes (202) 225-7163 Doris Matsui lacks in wisdom
06 Lynn C. Woolsey D Petaluma No Yes (202) 225-5161 Was led astray
07 George Miller D Martinez Yes Yes (202) 225-2095 George Miller lacks in wisdom
08 Nancy Pelosi D San Francisco Yes Yes (202) 225-4965 (Unprintable)
09 Barbara Lee D Oakland No Yes (202) 225-2661 Was led astray
10 Ellen O. Tauscher D Alamo Yes Yes (202) 225-1880 Ellen Tauscher lacks in wisdom
11 Jerry McNerney D Pleasanton Yes Yes (202) 225-1947 Jerry McNerney lacks in wisdom
12 Jackie Speier D Hillsborough Yes Yes (202) 225-3531 Jackie Speier lacks in wisdom
13 Fortney Pete Stark D Fremont No No (202) 225-5065 Fortney Pete Stark is a hero!
14 Anna G. Eshoo D Atherton Yes Yes (202) 225-8104 Anna G. Eshoo lacks in wisdom
15 Michael M. Honda D San Jose Yes Yes (202) 225-2631 Michael M. Honda lacks in wisdom
16 Zoe Lofgren D San Jose Yes Yes (202) 225-3072 Zoe Lofgren lacks in wisdom
17 Sam Farr D Carmel Yes Yes (202) 225-2861 Sam Farr lacks in wisdom
18 Dennis A. Cardoza D Atwater Yes Yes (202) 225-6131 Dennis A. Cardoza lacks in wisdom
19 George Radanovich R Mariposa Yes Yes (202) 225-4540 George Radanovich lacks in wisdom
20 Jim Costa D Fresno Yes Yes (202) 225-3341 Jim Costa lacks in wisdom
21 Devin Nunes R Tulare No No (202) 225-2523 Devin Nunes is a hero!
22 Kevin McCarthy R Bakersfield No No (202) 225-2915 Kevin McCarthy is a hero!
23 Lois Capps D Santa Barbara Yes Yes (202) 225-3601 Lois Capps lacks in wisdom
24 Elton Gallegly R Simi Valley No No (202) 225-5811 Elton Gallegly is a hero!
25 Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon R Santa Clarita Yes Yes (202) 225-1956 McKeon lacks in wisdom
26 David Dreier R San Dimas Yes Yes (202) 225-2305 Dreier lacks in wisdom
27 Brad Sherman D Sherman Oaks No No (202) 225-5911 Brad Sherman is a hero!
28 Howard L. Berman D North Hollywood Yes Yes (202) 225-4695 Berman lacks in wisdom
29 Adam B. Schiff D Burbank No Yes (202) 225-4176 Was led astray
30 Henry A. Waxman D Los Angeles Yes Yes (202) 225-3976 Waxman lacks in wisdom
31 Xavier Becerra D Los Angeles No No (202) 225-6235 Xavier Becerra is a hero!
32 Hilda L. Solis D El Monte No Yes (202) 225-5464 Was led astray
33 Diane E. Watson D Los Angeles No Yes (202) 225-7084 Was led astray
34 Lucille Roybal-Allard D Los Angeles No No (202) 225-1766 Lucille Roybal-Allard is a hero!
35 Maxine Waters D Los Angeles Yes Yes (202) 225-2201 Waters lacks in wisdom
36 Jane Harman D Venice Yes Yes (202) 225-8220 Harman lacks in wisdom
37 Laura Richardson D Long Beach Yes Yes (202) 225-7924 Richardson lacks in wisdom
38 Grace F. Napolitano D Norwalk No No (202) 225-5256 Grace F. Napolitano is a hero!
39 Linda T. Sánchez D Lakewood No No (202) 225-6676 Linda T. Sánchez is a hero!
40 Edward R. Royce R Fullerton No No (202) 225-4111 Edward R. Royce is a hero!
41 Jerry Lewis R Redlands Yes Yes (202) 225-5861 Jerry Lewis lacks in wisdom
42 Gary G. Miller R Diamond Bar Yes Yes (202) 225-3201 Gary Miller lacks in wisdom
43 Joe Baca D Rialto No Yes (202) 225-6161 Was led astray
44 Ken Calvert R Corona Yes Yes (202) 225-1986 Ken Calvert lacks in wisdom
45 Mary Bono Mack R Palm Springs Yes Yes (202) 225-5330 Mary Bono Mack lacks in wisdom
46 Dana Rohrabacher R Huntington Beach No No (202) 225-2415 Dana Rohrabacher is a hero!
47 Loretta Sanchez D Anaheim No No (202) 225-2965 Loretta Sanchez is a hero!
48 John Campbell R Irvine Yes Yes (202) 225-5611 John Campbell lacks in wisdom
49 Darrell E. Issa R Vista No No (202) 225-3906 Darrell E. Issa is a hero!
50 Brian P. Bilbray R Carlsbad No No (202) 225-0508 Brian P. Bilbray is a hero!
51 Bob Filner D San Diego No No (202) 225-8045 Bob Filner is a hero!
52 Duncan Hunter R Alpine No No (202) 225-5672 Duncan Hunter is a hero!
53 Susan A. Davis D San Diego Yes Yes (202) 225-2040 Susan A. Davis lacks in wisdom


I don't even understand the politics behind these events.  Bush calls for an emergency measure, and the Democrats ram it through?  Previous times Bush called for emergency measures, we got the Patriot Act and the Iraq War.  The act is not a liberal act, as it centralizes power and jeopardizes the Federal Governments ability to increase aid to the needy and shore up financially troubled relief programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare.  Neither is the measure popular with Americans. 


Can the Bailout work?  Fat chance.

Bernanke's Hype, by David Henderson

Stop the Housing Bailout, a grass-roots website

A Vote against Rashness, by George Will

It Took Two Ingredients to Make this Financial Crisis, on Coyote Blog

More Comments on the Crash

Jeremy Siegel has hope the plan might work.  Some of the comments are great.  Who could say it better than Wisdom-seeker? - Monday, October 6, 2008, 3:35PM ET  

Siegel is "projecting" an enormous amount of wishful thinking into this "bailout". We have no assurances that anything he postulates will actually happen. The oversight process has no teeth. The people who are managing the "bailout" are the same cronies who messed the system up to begin with. And don't even get me started about his "30 percent / 40 percent / 50 percent" math... The stock market has fallen more after the plan was passed than it did when it was being debated -- those who want to use that as an argument should conclude that we needed more debate. The TRUE end result of this plan is that we will forcibly siphon a tremendous amount of intelligent capital out of the country -- the money that was smart enough to dodge all the bullets so far -- and make it buy Treasuries so that the idiots who got us into this mess can wreak more havoc. Because the $700B isn't coming from nowhere - someone has to buy Treasuries for them to have the money. And that money will be denied to all the other uses to which it might be put. I don't think Paulson has all the answers, or even the best answer, and I resent his trying to take my money to implement his B.S. plan.